Preamble: This Constitution is established to promote a sound Organization. It is Intended to Encourage A Cooperative and Democratic Atmosphere for operation of the Organization.
Article I: Name
The name of this Organization shall Be: Eastern Michigan Tractor Pulling Association EMTPA
The Purpose of this Organization is to:
- Promote Antique Farm Tractor Pulling
- Provide Equal opportunity for all pullers
- Preserve the Spot for Future Pullers
Article III: GOALS
- Through association and competition to bring pulling back to to all ages and Levels of Pullers
Article IV:
- Membership Regular Member Will be a Person Joining after March 28, 2003
- All Member shall have equal status and voting rights with the club, Including Holding Office and ownership of Equipment and Operation of Club
- Membership dues for the Pulling Y ear, shall be Paid before or on the First pull for Renewing of Membership.
- Dues Amount is $60,00 Per Year Per Tractor payable by the First pull
- Pull Points will follow One Tractor in any Class after initial membership paid, To add a additional Classes For Points per Year for same tractor, an additional $10.00 for each class added to the original class for the Original tractor
A Classes Must be Designated at time Dues are Paid to get points for the year
B You may change your class up to first pull of the year.
6. Member not in good Standing and Sanctions By Officers and Club Members:
First Offense ; Member will be Notified by Club Officers in Writing
Second Offense; Suspended From Pulling or $100.00 Fine
Third Offense; Suspended for one Calendar Year if voted so by 2/3 Vote of
Membership Present at Special Meeting Called by President
A. Governing Body
1. The Leadership of the EMTP A will be Vested in the Elected Oficers
2. The Members Shall have the Power to Amend Such By-Law as May be Necessary.
A. Must be a Member for ONE YEAR in order to make a Amend to the By-Law
3. By Law Changes can be made and Accepted Only During the Months of October
through April of Each Year. Changes must be Submitted to the Membership Prior
to the Next Month Meeting
4. Proposed Constitutional Or By-Law Changes will be Published Prior to the
regularly scheduled meeting The By-Laws Shall be Amended bya next Majority
Vote of the Members in Attendance at that Meeting
A. Once a By-Law is changed, It Cannot be Re-Submitted for One Year.
1. Voting Rights consist of All Members in good standing having dues paid for the
Year Prior to curent year to have rights to Vote , Make motions ,Run and Hold an
2. Each Member Shall have ONE VOTE
Member Must be in Attendance to VOTE .
3. Discussion Time from the Floor Shall be at the Discretion of the President
4. All Official Decisions Shall, Unless Otherwise Stated in this Constitution, Be By A
Majority Vote of the Membership and Officers and having a Voting Rights.
A. Call Board and Special Meetings
B. Act as General Chairman of the Meeting
C. Act as Chief Executive Officer of the Assoc.
D. Prepare Agenda
E. Conduct Meetings under Parliamentary Laws Procedure
A. Assist the President
B. Act as President in the Absence of President
C. Assume Temporary Responsibilities of any vacated Officers Post Until the
Vacated Post is filled by a Majority Vote of the EMTPA.
A. Keep Minutes of Meeting and make them available to all Members before or at
the Following Meeting
B. Handle all Correspondence of the meetings.
C. Maintain an Updated EMTPA membership list
A. Act as Custodian of EMTPA Funds
B. Keep Records of all Assets, Liabilities, Income, and Disbursements, Report at
each Meeting
C. Acknowledge all Contributions.
D. Submit an Annual Financial Statement to all Members and Officers
E. Be Responsible for all Bank Checking and Savings Accounts
F. Arrange an Audit to be Performed Before Installment of New Officers.
- All Officers Shall be Elected to Serve a 1 Years Term
- All Office can not hold more then 3 Year consecutive term(Unless it is Agreed on By a Majority Vote of the Members Present).
- Nominations for Officers will be Accepted from the Membership During the Month of October
- Election of Officers Shall be held at the November Meeting by Secret Ballot Voting. Unless any one Office is Running Unopposed
- Vacancies Occurring Among the Officers shall be filled by A majority Vote of the Present Members at the next Regularly Scheduled Meeting.
- Any Officer Absent from Two ( 2) Consecutive meeting Without Excuse Satisfactory to the President ( or Remanding Officers) or Fail to Complete Their Duties as listed under Article V-C, Shall be Deemed to have Surrendered their Office.
- Officers take over their duties by the 1st meeting of the new year
- The Meeting shall be held Once a Month after October 1st until May 30th, The Date Can made for meeting after first meeting of that year By General Membership and Announced one Month in Advance.
- Special Meeting May be called at any time by the President or Upon Request of at Least One Third of the Membership.
- Members and Officers Shall be notified Ten (10) days prior to a Special Meeting Date Unless an Extreme Emergency Exists
- Call to Order
- Roll Call of Officers
- Membership Attendance Sign up sheet Name and Address, Telephone Number, e-mail e-mail ( ( if have)
- Guests Wishing to Address the Club
- Reading and Approval of Previous Minutes
- Treasurers Report
- New Business
- Open Discussion
- Adjourn Meeting
ARTICLE VIl; Committees
- A. Committee Meeting shall be called by the Committee Chairman whenever and as often as deemed necessary to Execute the Responsibilities of said Committee . A Progress Report of each meeting will be Submitted to the Membership and Oficers at the General Monthly Meeting
- B. The President of the Association can also call committee Meeting
- C. All Members shall serve on at Least One Committee each Year
- D. The Following Committee will be Permanently Established
1. Finance and Budget ( Treasurer)
2. Grievance and Rule Enforcement
3. Equipment Repairs and Maintenance
4. Track Set Up and Scale Operation
5. Transportation of Equipment and Sled Setup
6. Sound System Setup and Announcing
7. Registration and Lineup Sheets
8. Points Records and Awards for Winners for End of Year
9. Sled Operation and Grader Help and Pullback Equipment if needed 10.
10. Promotion and Advertising. Booking Pulls
1 1. Pedal Pullers Equipment and Classes
- E. Members Signing up for a Committee shall list their Name and Address. Telephone Number, e-mail ( if have) on the Selection sheet.
- F. It is Recommended that Representation on these Committees shall be for One Year Only. It is also Recommended that the Chairperson Serve the Following Year ( As a Member, not a Chairperson) In order to have an Experienced Member on the Committee. If the Chairman Chooses not to be on a Committee two Y ears in a row, one past Member May Serve Again.
- G. The New Years Committee Sign up Sheet shall have the Previous Years list Attached , To Remind the Members what Committee they serve on
- H. Committee shall meet the evening of the Committee Selection to Select a Chairman by a Vote and Notify the Secretary of the Results. The Chairman is not Responsible for the Failure of other Committee Members to Attend Additional Meeting where Majority vote Issues May be Resolved or Planned , Provided all Committee Members are Notified One Week Prior to the Additional meeting . The Chairman is Responsible for Reporting Member Attendance and Participation to General Membership
- A. The Association may sponsor such Fund Raising Activities as Deemed necessary to carry out the purpose of this Association as outlined in Article II Above, The Board Members and Oficers or Budget Committee shall determine the need after looking over the Budget and set up the Activities.
- B. All funds must be Deposited in a Checking Account at a Local Bank at the choice of the Membership. The Treasurer shall have an Authorized Signature Card at the Bank Signed and Approved by the Officers. There shall be One Other Member allowed To Sign Checks in the event the Treasurer is unable
- C. All Bills not covered in the Annual Budget shall be Presented to the General Membership at the Monthly Meeting Unless no Meeting is Scheduled during pulling season. Then at least three Officers may meet and pay any Operating Expenses for Trophies , Fuel, Emergency Repairs Etc.
- D. Special Expenditures may be presented to the President for Arranging payment by special Officers meeting or Placement on the Agenda and Consideration at the next Monthly Meeting
- E. In the Event of the Dissolution of this Association all Assets will be sold and the funds Donated to M.S.U. Extension 4H Program
ARTICLE IX; Theft and / or Misappropriation of Club Property and / or Funds
- A. Club members may occasionally have possession of club property connection with club projects or club business. Members are prohibited from using club property without express approval of the paid club members.
- B. Club members may occasionally handle club money under circumstances including, but not limited to, club events, fundraisers, or as a club officer Club members and officers are prohibited from taking, misappropriating, or converting money of the club to their own use. Club members and officers are only allowed to spend club money as directed by a majority of the paid club members.
- C. Any club member who uses club property for his or her own personal use. misappropriates or converts club money for his or her own use, or any sort of deception shall be removed immediately by a majority vote
- D. Minimum one year dues paid members, shall be forfeited , and are subject to prosecution.
- These Revised BY-LAW shall become Effective February 12th, 2023 All Members Agree to Comply with these BY-LAW and no Member shall be Absolved From Observance of Them.